Christoph F. Eick's
15 Week Marathon Training Schedule

The following training schedule is a more Jack Daniels'-style training schedule (mixed with training elements that worked well for myself including longer long runs, easy weeks, and fartlek workouts) with a lot of running at threshhold pace. The training plan is well suited for runners who prefer a "high-quality-not-so-high mileage" schedule. When using this training plan, you have first to select your maximum weekly mileage (MWM); miles you run per week are expressed in percentages of your maximum weekly mileage (e.g. if your maximum weekly mileage is 50; 90% of MWM means you run 45=0.9x50 miles this week). It is recommended to select at least 45 miles as your maximum weekly mileage; if this is too much for you, it might be preferable to use a different training schedule. Moreover, it is assummed that prior to starting the program you already completed 4-6 weeks of base running, and your mileage on the last week should be 75% of the MWM you selected.

In the schedule below R-pace corresponds to your mile-pace, I-pace is 5-10 seconds per mile faster than 5K-pace, and T-pace is 15 seconds per mile slower than your 10K-pace, MP-pace refers to your marathon pace. Farlek workouts are listed in minutes of duration (e.g. 5x[4:fa|3:sl] means after a warmup of at least 2 miles, you run 4-minutes at 5K-efforts, and 3 minutes at an easy or even slower pace, and the sequence of fast running and slow running is repeated five times; finish the workout with a cooldown that is at least 1M long) and the fast segments are run at about 5K-effort. Long runs are assumed to be run at an easy pace (but a few include some running at marathon pace). The plan below lists only long runs of at least 13 miles and quality workouts; all other workouts of a week are assumed to be run at an easy pace (schedule long runs, quality workouts, and easy runs according to your own preferences; if your weekly mileage is above 50 miles running twice a day might be less stressful for your body):

Adjustments: if you plan to run the marathon faster than 3:03 add a mile to all long runs listed in the training plan; if your goal time is faster than 2:50 add 2 miles to all long runs listed in the training plan. If, on the other hand your goal time is slower than 3:29 subtract a mile from all long runs listed in the training schedule.

Any comments? Send e-mail to:

last updated: November 21, 2002