Thesis Guidelines: From start to defense



These are general guildelines I have put together to help you through the process. Please let me know if you have any suggestions on improving this or any missing information.



  1. ___ Forming Committee

You need to get this done by the last day of semester before the semester you intend to defend. I suggest taking care of this ASAP.

  1. ___ Filing for graduation

You need to file for graduation by the university posted deadline during the semester of your defense. This date usually is towards the beginning of the semester.

  1. ___ Setting up defense date

You need to consult with the committee members to find a suitable time. Allow at least two weeks to make announcements.

  1. ___ Reserve room for thesis defense
  2. ___ Send out the defense announcement to the department. For a format of the annoucement click here.
  3. ___ Submit thesis copies to committee

Check with the committee members for deadlines. Generally two weeks before defense is advised. Some members may need more, some less.

  1. ___ Two days before defense

Send out a short reminder to the committee about the defense date and time.

  1. ___ At the defense

Bring along signature sheets in cotton paper for committee to sign.

  1. ___ Submit corrected copy of thesis to Dean’s office before the set deadlines.



Thesis writing guidelines:

Also visit the CS dept page for any forms you need to fill. Click on the Student Defense and navigate to forms and any additional information posted.

You may also checkout a previous student’s thesis from the library for reference.

For downloading a Thesis Template in Microsoft Word 2000 format click here


Thesis presentation guidelines:

      Keep your presentation to the suggested duration.

            Focus on motivation, significance of your thesis, your contribution, what’s

exciting, issues, conclusion and future work.

      Keep the size of the fonts fairly large (minimum of 28 points).

      Focus on presenting information in a consistent, cohesive form to keep the

attention and interest of audience.

            Ask Venkat for a thesis presentation sample.

            While presenting: Look at people while talking (and not the computer, slides, wall or ceiling). Don't read from the slides.